

Band Story

For Falcon, one night it all changed. He was on a plane returning from Europe, after having played with Jonathan Butler for Eric Clapton’s 25thAnniversary. Back stage at the concert was littered with glamour. There was Elizabeth Taylor, George Harrison, Steve Windwood and even Princess Diana. “It was definitely a scene. Something at this point I had gotten used to. The parties, the people, the 5 star hotels. It became part of what I was doing out there,” Falcon remembers. “At one point Liz Taylor was passing around her enormous diamond ring and we were all trying it on….it was a trip”. On that flight one could say Falcon was having an epiphanie. The artist in him was bubbling to the surface. As much as he tried to ignore it, that night while flying through the clouds, he knew he couldn’t continue any longer as a side-man. He had to follow his own art, once and for all. Newly married and newly mortgaged, he knew this decision was not only risky, but down right mad. But just like that, the decision was made. After completing a final tour with Jonathan Butler, Adam walked away, from the glamour, the money, and the travel. Most importantly he walked away from other people’s artistic vision and proceeded to find his own.
Moving away from that life and into another not only cost him the limelight it also cost him his marriage. During this lonely time, with bills piling up, and after almost losing his house, Adam knew this was still the right choice. Dreaming his whole life of playing on the stages he’s played on, ultimately left him disillusioned and lost. From those back room stages such as Gonzales y Gonzales, Adam was starting over, while this time speaking his truth.
Like any artist starting out on their path, it took Adam Falcon ten years to really find his voice and his art. “It didn’t matter that I had “made it” as a guitar player and did all these things. I still had to start from square one as an artist, just like everyone else.”
Now with this highly anticipated release, Bohemian 959, Adam has found his true artistic voice. The record took 7 long years to make, but it was worth every painstaking moment. The album captures the true pulse of New York City, back from a day that inspired Adam to pick up an instrument in the first place. “The type of sound that I was going for was a live sound with an old school feel. Like what you hear in the streets of NY. Each song has it's own message and story. If you thread the entire record together you'd find a positive note. I'd like people to come away with nothing more than that, without trying to get to heavy or esoteric.”
The choice that Adam Falcon made to walk away from the fame and money is one he still chooses. “Just the other day a very famous artist called and asked me to join her band and tour with her all over the world. I sat there for about 3 seconds before I said no. I just knew it would take me away from what I have been working for. Did I have any regrets? The answer is simple. No.”
After years of being in a supporting role, Adam Falcon now takes the lead. Adam Falcon currently lives with his lovely wife and two young children…where else, but New York City.

Location: AMERICA NORTH: USA: New York (NY)

Sound Like: Rhythmic Soul

Song List