
Garrison Green

Band Story

Officially formed late 2006, cousins, Antony Clements (guitars, drums, and vocals) and Daniel Wilson (keys, drums, and vocals) are Garrison Green. Not always relying on traditional structures and arrangements, Garrison Green self produce their own music and have a sound that echoes influences from an eclectic taste. Antony and Daniel were born and raised in Cornwall, England. They grew up together and lived in each other's pockets until it was time to leave for University. Daniel, 24, studied music at the University of Middlesex, Antony, 23, studied Software Engineering at the University of Portsmouth. During the University years, something exciting happened and Garrison Green was born. The lads meet on a regular basis to write and record new material and 2008 will see the boys reunite in London (the city Daniel calls home). So it's to London, where the quest for world domination will begin.

Location: EUROPE: United Kingdom :England

Sound Like: Alternative Rock

Song List

  • Soldier