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The Swingin Angels

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Band Story

<p>Archie Blowers and the Swingin&rsquo; Angels are on a mission to make you feel good&hellip; <br />They bill themselves as a rock and roll revival show, the Angels won&rsquo;t mess with the latest trends&hellip;It&rsquo;s all been done before ... And the standards will remain, in the hearts and minds of the young and the old &hellip; The first release &ldquo;Whole lot better.&rdquo; Along with the new album &ldquo;Faster than angels fly&rdquo; are available.&nbsp; Arch (a.k.a. Matt) seems to have an endless army of friends that he calls angels but members of the &ldquo;Angels&rdquo; have been in various bands. To name just a few of them&hellip; Frog Hollow , Big Lumber, Matt and the Castronaughts , Aunt Beast , The Scary Tweezers,The Sugar Frosted Bishops, Friday the 13th and the Drunken Fishermen.</p>

Location: AMERICA NORTH: USA: Indiana (IN)
Genre: Rock