
Rebecca LaCount

Band Story

?More than Shoes & Chocolate? Sarah Ban Breathnach said, ?An authentic life is the most personal form of worship.? Rebecca LaCount has adopted this quote as a mantra for her life. Worshiping the Lord with all her heart is as natural to her as breathing, not just in singing, but in living out her life. She grew up in a large family; number seven out of sixteen children. There was music constantly surrounding her life. At an early age, Rebecca?s parents noticed that the Lord had given her a special talent: singing. Her first solo in public was when she was at the tender age of three; her Father accompanied her on the guitar. Through out the years, she has sung many songs unto the Lord at church, festivals, recitals, weddings, funerals, competitions, schools, concerts and everything in-between. Rebecca attended North Central University, majoring in music for one year before marrying her boyfriend of two years, Rich. His ?pick up line? was, ?I fight fires and save lives.? True to his word, he was and is a firefighter. She then transferred to UW-Whitewater where she attended for three years, again majoring in music. In 1995 they welcomed their first child, Micayla Elizabeth into their home and their hearts. Seventeen months later, their son, Dale Benjamin was sent from God?s heart to Rebecca?s. During the years that she stayed at home with her children, Rebecca gave piano and voice lessons in her home to keep the passion of music alive?while continuing to sing in the choir and praise team at church as well as specials, funerals and weddings. A few years later God, in His infinite wisdom, saw Rebecca?s desire to serve Him more. He opened a door at her home church; the church where her children were dedicated to the Lord, the church where she was married, the church where her parents were married, and the church where her grandparents were charter members. Her senior pastor, Michael Jackson, asked her to lead worship on Wednesday Nights; then Sunday Nights; then Sunday Mornings; and then to direct the choir. Eventually they created the position of Minister of Music for Rebecca. Not only was she the first Music Director, but the first woman on staff in New Life Assembly of God?s history. She was right where God called her to be. ?When I lead worship, I feel like I am home. There is no place I?d rather be than in the presence of God,? says Rebecca. She started her position at New Life in January of 2001. In July of 2007, she resigned from the job she passionately loved. In 2003, Rich and Rebecca were pleasantly surprised with their third child, Abrieanna Belle. Rebecca is often overheard boasting of her children and her husband. Next to the Lord, they are her greatest treasures in life. Rebecca feels that God has opened up so many doors for her. ?God has been so ridiculously good to me? she says. ?I don?t know why He uses me. I?m nothing special. I just want to be used by Him.? She has shared the stage with 33Miles and Jamie Slocum. Rebecca has opened for the likes of Go Fish, Ray Boltz, Curt Collins, Myrrh, & Gloria Elliot. Rebecca has many loves. Her closet is filled to the brim with shoes. She lightheartedly says she hasn?t found a shoe she doesn?t like. She secretly has stashes of chocolate in her home and office. Books are piled on her night stand, underneath her bed, on the floor and on the shelves. She adores her husband and her kids. When she leaves a note for them, she?ll always say, ?I love your guts!? or ?Love you more than shoes & chocolate? which is a lot! But above all of these affections none can even compare to the Lord and His worship. If you take the time to listen to Rebecca, you will feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit invade the room. She is anointed. Her sense of humor will delight you. The Lord?s presence is all over her. God has indeed been good to her. He has blessed her with a wonderful family, great children, a contagious laugh, a great fashion for shoes and a craving for chocolate. But above all of that, He has stamped His approval on her life, making her life authentic; the true act of worship.

Location: AMERICA NORTH: USA:Wisconsin WI)

Sound Like: Contemporary Christian

Song List