Brown Sox

Band Story
<p><img src="" alt="Brown Sox Band Bio" width="75" height="75" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
Brown Sox was formed in 1997 after its members realized a need to steer past traditional boundaries. The style is Hard Rock while managing to cross genres, touching on a variety of styles, rhythms, and patterns. Brown Sox's influences span most of music's history.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Brown Sox Band Image" width="75" height="75" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The band has a reputation as a fierce, loud, energetic touring machine with plenty of high-energy thrills to increase the experience. Wistful vocals, custom patented "Wall of Growl" guitars and rigs, skull-crashing bass, and hydraulic suspended caged and racked psych-o-delic drums are used to capture groovaliciously unfamiliar tracks.</p>
Brown Sox was formed in 1997 after its members realized a need to steer past traditional boundaries. The style is Hard Rock while managing to cross genres, touching on a variety of styles, rhythms, and patterns. Brown Sox's influences span most of music's history.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Brown Sox Band Image" width="75" height="75" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" />
The band has a reputation as a fierce, loud, energetic touring machine with plenty of high-energy thrills to increase the experience. Wistful vocals, custom patented "Wall of Growl" guitars and rigs, skull-crashing bass, and hydraulic suspended caged and racked psych-o-delic drums are used to capture groovaliciously unfamiliar tracks.</p>