
Sarah Fimm

Band Story

For the past two years, Sarah’s been pouring her heart and soul into a new album project. Now that it’s nearing completion, she talks about it candidly in her own way.


“Life and the myriad of circumstances that go along with it...”

This was a long process. It has taken us almost two years to get what we needed. Over the course of the process, as always, life changes with it. If the inner work is great, the outer work will be great. I don’t just mean this in reference to my life either. So many people have put so much time, effort and love into this project, and into this music. It has happened because people were willing to make sacrifices, on behalf of what we do. I am forever grateful to them. Music that means something doesn’t happen with just one person, ever. It happens with many. The quality of the people is represented in what we’ve come away with. I think the differences on this album speak for itself.

Along the way, the process has been interspersed with life and the myriad of circumstances that go along with it. We have seen a lot. We have seen birth and death. I believe it’s essentially these experiences which define us. Bringing these experiences into light, to manifest as they do, and not allowing the weight to overcome us.

I considered it all difficult, I considered it fun, and I consider myself through it all, as much as I could be myself – very lucky.

“Music that has meaning does not happen with just one person. It happens with many.”

I really want to talk about the people that I’ve met along the way and that have shared themselves for this record. It could take a year, so I’ll try and be brief.

I have to begin with my producer David Baron, because it starts and stops with him. David has not only produced this album, but has worn all the hats necessary to complete the project and make it everything it needs to be. He’s been the cheerleader, the organizer, the everything player, the hard ****, and the one who has told me everyday to fight for what I think is right, and not to be led by the wishes of others. He has taught me not only what it means to be a musician, but also been a great mentor in the human aspect, which is so often forgotten.

I have to speak about some of the players too. We were lucky enough to be able to get Josh Freese, a drummer who brings life into everything his hands touch. I didn’t truly believe it was possible, but what I learned was, if you don’t try you never know what’s possible. I was fortunate enough to meet him, through a series of symbolic events and circumstances, at a NIN/Bauhaus show. Not knowing who he was, I saw him backstage before the show, at the bottom of a hill, and I sensed right away that this was a good human being – happy in the truest sense, and undeniably selfless. Once I did see him play, I was blown away, along with thousands of others. He’s someone who just loves to play music. He loves to play drums. It’s absolutely pure.

Jerry Marotta, another mind blowing drummer, plays on the record too. He’s of a very different style, but can set a groove like a Captain turns the wheel of his ship. He just does it. I didn’t meet Jerry until later in the process. He lives in Woodstock, which is where we’ve done a vast majority of the work. In one day, he lifted the music so much, and broadened the landscape of all the work that had come before.

I have to mention Tony Levin, the one and only. I won’t say too much about Tony because he’s quite a humble man. I will say, he was very inspiring and a one of a kind person. There truly is no one like him.

I could go on forever – cellists, oboists, string players, guitar players, percussionists… My only problem ever is not having enough time to look at people face-to-face and say, “Thank You.”

When asked, what’s to be expected with this record, I would say – don’t expect anything. The conversations in life that occur have a life of their own. Listen carefully to them.



To be continued…

Location: AMERICA NORTH: USA: New York (NY)

Sound Like: Acapella

Song List