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Keith Little

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Band Story

<p>Mr. Keith Little (www.klittle.com) &ldquo;The Best of Blues , R&amp;B, Funk, Soul&rdquo; Cincinnati&rsquo;s own &ldquo;King of the Blues&rdquo; Singer/Song writer, Play writer, writer and producer of the Cincinnati Blues &amp; Jazz video Documentary (Thanks for My Flowers). Producer of &ldquo;Night Lights&rdquo; a compilation CD of Cincinnati Sounds Cincinnati Style. Founder and President of (CULAN INC) Cincinnati&rsquo;s United Local Artists Network Inc. Founder, President and owner of (PAES INC) Popular Arts Entertainment Systems Inc. Founder, host and producer of his TV show &ldquo;Mr. Little&rsquo;s Hangout&rdquo;Ch25 WBQC a local station. Former Trustee, Vice-President and President of the &ldquo;Greater Cincinnati Blues Society&rdquo; Former chief coordinator for the &ldquo;Performer&rsquo;s Alliance For Charity&rdquo;, contributors to charity. Mr. Little has shared the stage and jammed with other great artists such as &ldquo;Kenny Neal, Pinetop Perkins, Long John Hunter, Anson Funderburgh &amp; Sam Myers, Clarence Carter, Little Charlie &amp; The Night Cats, Phil Guy, Frankie Lee, Skeeter Brandon, Leon Wilkinson&rdquo; from the Lynyrd Skynyrd Band, Little Milton and more through over 42 years of performing.</p>