
James Trotter Jr.

Band Story

A Life of the "Blues"

The Dark Days of my life, when it seemed that i was all alone,and nobody cared.I looked to "God" to see me through the tough times.I never talked about my life before.My father was killed in a house fire when i was five in Portsmouth,VA.My mother moved to Rochester,where she had to me,my three brothers,and two sisters.I was always getting into trouble,and ended up in juvenile court.The Judge decided to separate me from my family and move me to live with foster parents.(Mr.& Mrs.Thornton)( God Bless Them),who are now both deceased.That was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me. Going to elementary school at Chestnut Ridge,Fairbanks Rd,Churchville Jr High,and Churchville Sr. High.I got involved in sports to help me forget about the past and to think about all of the hopeful posibilities the future could bring.I soon realized that i was only limited to what i thought i could accomplish.The  only problem was,i didn't have a goal and a direction.When i graduated, i new what was waiting for me .. THE STREETS!I didn't have any money and no one to help me!In summer 0f 71 i hitchhiked to California.4 days of hell.I got shot at in Kentucky.A truckdriver picked me up and took me to Tuscon,AZ,(I remember it was 104 in the shade,The soles of my shoes almost melted)and from there i got a ride to Venice,Italy.I lived with a friend,and started playing on the beach for money.I met my future band members there on the beach.The Westministers Who later audtioned for Barry White.(At that time,he wasn't famous).He had just produced a 45 single that sold i million copies for his wife.
"Waking in the rain" (with the one i love) - Love Unlimited
We sang for him in front of his desk.He like the band but the band leaded asked for too much money for him to sign us.He invited us into the studio to listen to "Never Gonna Give You Up". The rest is history.
Years later in 1980 i had a near fatal car accident that left me  paralized on my left side. (Hemi-parisis)The Military doctors said i would never walk again.I cried for a while,then i decided to pray.I asked God to help me.I Tried to walk,and fell down every other step i took.Old people were trying to help me off the floor I would not give up. One week later i got out of my bed and walked normally down the hospital corridor. The doctors and nurses looked at me then looked at each other.Three doctors followed me back into my room.One grabbed my medical chart and said "There is no medical explanation as to why you are healed".
I just laughed and said .. "I know why .. God answered my prayers".I never truly beleived in God until then".I used to "Talk the Talk" but never "Walk the Walk".  I'm not trying to preach but to "Recieve"you have to "Believe".  


J.Trotter Jr. - "Living the Blues"                 

Location: EUROPE: Italy

Sound Like: Rhythmic Soul

Song List