
AG Silver

Band Story

Rather than posting a bio that makes us sound super important and declaring ourselves as "the next best thing", we figured we'd use this space to tell you a little about ourselves. We're four musicians who play music because we love to, and we can't seem to escape it. We've spent time working "real jobs" and continue to work part time in non-music professions that help pay bills and allow our grandparents to rest a little easier knowing that we're not wasting all of our time w/ that "rock 'n roll nonsense."The truth is that music moves us. There is nothing more gratifying for us than creating a song out of nothing. Creating something that is ours, that didn't exist before and wouldn't exist if we gave up the pursuit. We strive to write honest songs. Songs about how we perceive reality or reminders to ourselves of deeper truths. We try to make the movement of the songs match the emotion that the songs content evoked in us during the creation process. We are hopeful, skeptical, grateful, frustrated that things are often not as it seems they should be.We joke a lot that our albums are like our children, labors of love that we care deeply for (Chris, the only member of the band who actually has a human child, thinks this comparison is a little over the top). We love to create music, but our greatest joy is sharing it w/ others. With that said, we are extremely excited to share our newest project w/ the world (or at least a few thousand people?). LOVEKEEPSNOSCORE is our latest concoction that features 5 songs that we've crafted over the past year. Check out the tunes in the player above and if you enjoy them, we'd be honored if you'd adopt our musical child by downloading the whole album at www.agsilver.com/webstoreThanks for stopping by. Your support, downloads and comments are what keep us going when people ask us when we're going to get a real job.

Location: AMERICA NORTH: USA: Michigan (MI)

Sound Like: Rock

Song List