

Band Story

In February 2008, Chiyo and Erb first established contact through Craigslist.com and from their first meeting they knew a big project was bound to happen. Their goals and thoughts just clicked. After trying out a few musicians and getting upset by the lack of talent, they once again went back to the Craigslist site. Through it, Chiyo and Erb found Scott. Like destiny, Scott happened to be rehearsing at the same studio as Chiyo and Erb. Scott tried out, and the fit was magical. A talented soloist with a desirable European metal flavor, Scott was just what Lowsync needed from a lead guitarist. Through Scott came Jay; a powerful and talented drummer. They had just toured around Europe together, and Scott suggested that Jay give Lowsync a listen. The first day with Jay felt like everything was falling into place. It was no doubt that he was one of the best drummers Lowsync had come across, and the perfect person for Lowsync. With Jay in the band, it was time to begin the task of perfecting the Lowsync sound. Trouble finding a bassist didn’t stop Lowsync from moving forward. In July 2008, the EP “No World” was recorded. After the recording, it was time to create more songs. These new songs were written by the entire band, creating a new sound for Lowsync.Being unlucky in the search for a bassists, the band had to take an aggressive move. They decided to do their first show without a bassist. The show went well, with many people surprised at the quality, creativity and musicianship of the band. It was obvious that Lowsync had a bright future ahead of them. Finally, after almost a year of looking, Jajuba joined Lowsync. They only had a few weeks to rehearse for two shows that were already booked. The shows went great, getting a lot of attention from many people including judges from Universal Studios, who had nothing but praise for Lowsync’s style, sound and musicianship. Lowsync is currently writing new material, playing shows and compiling videos. They are busy promoting themselves to colleges, publishing companies, TV, radio, and magazines. Lowsync’s style ranges from Flamenco and Classic Rock, to Progressive Death metal, with influences from bands like Meshuggah, In Flames, Opeth, As I Lay Dying, Deftones, Gojira, Lamb of God, Neurosis, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Soilwork, Rush and Black Sabbath. Lowsync writes songs that are heavy, but with melody. Vocals switch from heart felt screams, to melodic singing throughout each song. Always searching for the perfect sound, Lowsync’s tunes are filled with tuned down guitars, heavy grooves, wild effects, mellow break downs, syncopated parts, and odd time signatures. Lowsync’s goals are huge. It is evident that Lowsync has a great future ahead.

Location: AMERICA NORTH: USA: California (CA)

Sound Like: Metal

Song List

  • Distress
  • Knife
  • Testify
  • Trust