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Band List - Genre: Alternative

A. Rex Profile Image

  A. Rex

Pop music, says Andrew Espinola, doesn’t have to be the insincere saccharine you hear on the radio. The third album, “Who said I was Running?”, by the...

Beth Be Wildered Profile Image

  Beth Be Wildered

Beth Be Wildered is a profoundly unique and experimental music project that delves into the raw and unfiltered realms of human emotion and consciousne...

CHIWAWA Profile Image


CHIWAWA’s core is Laurie, the daughter of Hungarian immigrants, and Krassy, born and raised in communist Bulgaria. The two first met when Laurie...

DestinationDawn Profile Image


DestinationDawn is a singer-songwriter artist who often has a ethereal dreamlike quality to her music...coined "DreamWave"  She has been in the t...

Domina Profile Image


Domina is making waves with the announcement of their first single from the highly anticipated album Naughty Palace, set for release in the spring of...

Elaine Lachica Profile Image

  Elaine Lachica

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Elaine began studying piano, violin and singing at age 3. Elaine studied voice at the Peabody Conservatory of Music and t...

fx303 Profile Image


IMPORTANT NOTE: All the music posted are rough drafts or ideas I'm seeking to collaborate with anyone interested to create a final song. I didn't kno...

Gazillion Profile Image


Gazillion is my solo project. I wrote most of my songs in college, and recorded them in my bedroom under a tent made of blankets and chairs. And yeah,...

Jennifer Langley Profile Image

  Jennifer Langley

I think a musician tells a story in each of his or her songs. Their songs bring to light everything they believe in and find important in their lives...

Jonne Blue Profile Image

  Jonne Blue

Jonne Blue is a singer/songwriter from Trenton, NJ. His new album, "Unwelcome Guest", is an eclectic mix of dark, yet beautiful acoustic guitar riffs...

Odoghan Profile Image


Odoghan ( Irish O´doghan)The band was born in Cordoba City Argentina back in 2005, when Jose Visconti joins with friend and guitarist Cesar Fe...

Robert Nix Profile Image

  Robert Nix

"Intelligent Pop/Alternative Songs For All Of Humanity" All Tracks Composed/Recorded By R.Nix Robert Nix Sites: www.myspace.com/robertnix...

Shannon Richardson Profile Image

  Shannon Richardson

"Beautiful" by definition means having qualities that delight the senses, excellent, wonderful and the bands personal favorite, highly enjoyable. A...

Sown Among Thorns Profile Image

  Sown Among Thorns

Sown Among Thorns was formed by Michael Lapchon (lyrics, back up vocals, production & engineering) & Nick Fratelli (music, vocals, keyboa...