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"I have a dream", ‘Famoe’ thinks to himself, whose real name is Fabiano Montesano,when he started his concept for his album "Xplicit". He...


Felina's Arrow is set to break your heart open with songs that reflect people's triumphs, failures, and struggles. After meeting on the sidewalk in Se...

Fire Prince

Fire Prince, a Kauai singer-songwriter, is known for his raw, sexy vocals and lofty, lucid lyrics telling tales of unvarnished truth streaming through...


FISHKILL is all about fun, pure and simple and everything else is window dressing. On record, one guy plays everything; live it's a three-piece band!...


In a world where the media seems to control our every thought and action, we find ourselves flooded with bands that have also fallen victim to the epi...


I have been writing songs since my early teens and made public appearances in Teen Corners and a local TV Variety Program.I have several songs in 3 vi...


FM Pilots is an Oklahoma rock/pop band that boasts catchy, polished tunes with heartfelt sentiment. The lineup consists of long-time friends Nick Whit...

Forgotten Child

Forgotten Child is a hard core Rock & Roll band from Hollywood. Their music has been featured in films, and they have been featured in Metal Edge...


Beginning in early 2004, this experimental alternative-rock trio has made tremendous strides in developing a sound all their own. With their creative...