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Rob Nicholas

Classically trained and always inventive, Rob Nicholas, a Chicago native, has been recording for nearly 10 years and embodies many types of genres fro...

Rob Taylor

“My goal as a writer and an artist is to help people emotionally own my song in 3 minutes and forty seconds,” explains East Coast singer...

Robby Banuelos

Robby Banuelos was a talented musician based in New York, known for his versatility and collaborative spirit. He frequently performed with various art...

Robby Lake

About :Robby Lake:Singer-Songwriter-Musician Born in Plainview,NY. in 1973,Robert Aptheker[a.k.a.Robby Lake]spent most of his teenage years growing...

Robert Nix

"Intelligent Pop/Alternative Songs For All Of Humanity" All Tracks Composed/Recorded By R.Nix Robert Nix Sites: www.myspace.com/robertnix...

Robin Hodson

Robin Hodson is a singer-songwriter from London originally who has made his home in Baltimore Maryland.He runs his own recording studio and works in t...

Ronnie Run

Born and raised in a small town of Winterville, North Carolina Ronnie Run is a well-known rapper with a lot of streets credit.   “I wa...


ROWAN is a Seattle-based metal band which was conceived in 2006 and had its full performing lineup by 2008. Since then they have toured the Northwest...


 Paul Finnerty is a song writer Guitarist, Paul has played in traditional jazz bands for years and has toured internationally with various bands....

ruins of tomorrow

Ruins of Tomorrow’s “erratic sound and rampant stage antics” haveallowed them to become known as one of the heaviest and most bruta...


I probably just wasted a half hour setting this page up. But if your interested and someones actually reading this. Cool..happy listening more tunes a...