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Pagewater Profile Image


Sexual inhibition, adolescence, and teenage curiosity in the lives of four incomplete beings all preceded the formation of Pagewater during the fall o...

Michael Bannerman Profile Image

  Michael Bannerman

Bio: Hey thanks for stopping by and checking out the site! After 18 years of touring with the rock group Lost Coin, I must admit it feels a little l...

Keith Little Profile Image

  Keith Little

Mr. Keith Little (www.klittle.com) “The Best of Blues , R&B, Funk, Soul” Cincinnati’s own “King of the Blues” Singer...

The Lizards Profile Image

  The Lizards

The Lizards authentically follow the path laid by classic rock groups of the past - Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Rainbow, Deep Purple, Free.Drummer Bo...

Vero Profile Image


Vero are a rockin’ three piece founded by Marc Fargeo in 1999.   The band set to work immediately with the recording of a 7-track demo an...

What Bird Profile Image

  What Bird

What Bird is Julia Harrison and Winston Harrison.  The Nashville, TN duo describe their music as “late-night driving music,” as the...

Bourgeois Gypsies Profile Image

  Bourgeois Gypsies

Featuring freewheeling musical wanderings through countrified blues, slinky swamp ballads and homespun hillbilly heartbreaks, the Bourgeois Gypsies m...

Velvet Dog Profile Image

  Velvet Dog

Internet killed the Rock Star! CHECK OUT THE NEW WEBSITE RELEASE 2-10-09 WWW.VELVETDOGMUSIC.COM WWW.VELVETDOGMUSIC.COM For booking, questions, and...

Jill Dawson Profile Image

  Jill Dawson

Hi all! Thanks so much for coming to the site. I truly am blessed to be given an opportunity to share my music and inspirations with you. Please promi...

SWEETMEAT and the SILVERFISH Profile Image


Sweetmeat and the Silverfish is Nantucket Island’s most exciting new rock band since Mountain!    Island brothers Victor & Ben...

Sal Belloise Profile Image

  Sal Belloise

Armed with an acoustic guitar and a head full of songs, Sal Belloise set out in a VW bus on his musical journey back in the hazy 60s. He's been travel...

pattieallbeef and the ground patrol Profile Image

  pattieallbeef and the ground patrol

Call this an experiment if you will.   Think of Heavier Doors sound if Manzaryck had a hip hop/techno background.  Audio, video, live perfor...

John Christ Profile Image

  John Christ

From the opening statement of "I'm back" John Christ boldly proclaims his long-awaited return with Flesh Caffeine, his stunning solo debut. "I'm Back"...

Rare Blend Profile Image

  Rare Blend

Rare Blend was formed in 1994, at the infancy of the independent music revolution, and has leveraged the Internet through a variety of means to build...