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Band List

SHRAPNEL Profile Image


four guys took a ****. out came SHRAPNEL

JudgeMENTAL Profile Image


JudgeMENTAL was formed in July 2009. Building on the influences of Pantera, Megadeth and Metallica, JudgeMENTAL has forged a sound all their own and a...

Juliet Gough Profile Image

  Juliet Gough

Juliet Gough puts a twist on the singer/songwriter tradition, making music that’s easily accessible, catchy and could easily be mistaken for pop...

Steven Profile Image


My name is Steven Jackson I am a Singer/Songwriter from Kingston, Ontario, Canada.I have been writing songs for many years and I view the process...

Lethal Rhythm Profile Image

  Lethal Rhythm

A Fresh act to Tucson Arizona. This project began with the song writings of Aaron Koreny and Drummer Brian Lepker in Mid 2009. Their music features Me...

GlassDelirium Profile Image


Since forming in 2007, Glass Delirium has explored the depths of what it means to create. They are a progressive, hard rock band composed of dual male...

ruins of tomorrow Profile Image

  ruins of tomorrow

Ruins of Tomorrow’s “erratic sound and rampant stage antics” haveallowed them to become known as one of the heaviest and most bruta...

Cory Daniel Profile Image

  Cory Daniel

Cory Daniel, a versatile musician originally from Florida, has built a dynamic career over the past two decades. Proficient in guitar, bass, drums, an...

Rightfully Accused Profile Image

  Rightfully Accused

          As independent bands climb the ladders of their industry, they’re often told to come up w...

ROWAN Profile Image


ROWAN is a Seattle-based metal band which was conceived in 2006 and had its full performing lineup by 2008. Since then they have toured the Northwest...