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Band List

TJ Mauldin Band Profile Image

  TJ Mauldin Band

We are a team committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Our calling is multi-faceted—we understand that our mission is not limit...

The Swingin Angels Profile Image

  The Swingin Angels

Archie Blowers and the Swingin’ Angels are on a mission to make you feel good… They bill themselves as a rock and roll revival show, the...

Superna Profile Image


Based out of Houston Texas, Superna, pronounced "sue-perna" meaning "other worldly", are a dynamic and versatile rock/alt band that uses and fuses d...

The Gecko Club Profile Image

  The Gecko Club

The Gecko Club live in the land where big guitars and big melody are king.  With two critically acclaimed independent albums under their belt,...

Random Allies Profile Image

  Random Allies

Random Allies is a cover / original music project conceived of by former members of such popular bands as "Something Fluid", "Juiced", "Pullstring p...

Jazz Menagerie Profile Image

  Jazz Menagerie

Bringing the art of composing back to jazz, this is a collection of memorable tunes which blend the elements of traditional jazz with those of funk,...

Humanish Profile Image


Humanish When Allan Yokohama, Marano and Fabiano Ferronato started playing together in a new project on May 2009, they wanted to create a kind of musi...

Kristin Fehlau Profile Image

  Kristin Fehlau

I've always had music around me growing up. I come from a musical family, so it's only natural I take it up. Im' drawn toward the more Alternative/p...

WhichWaySign Profile Image


My music is mainly instrumental, I have a tendency to blend different styles of music together to make my own niche. I prefer to stand out as opposed...



Raspin Stuwart Profile Image

  Raspin Stuwart

Singer/songwriter/song stylist Raspin Stuwart’s life and career can best be described as a Tale of Two Cities – Chicago and Los Angeles, that is! Howe...

